A single-step method for rapid extraction of total lipids from green microalgae.



Microalgae produce a wide range of lipid compounds of potential commercial interest. Total lipid extraction performed by conventional extraction methods, relying on the chloroform-methanol solvent system are too laborious and time consuming for screening large numbers of samples. In this study, three previous extraction methods devised by Folch et al. (1957), Bligh and Dyer (1959) and Selstam and Öquist (1985) were compared and a faster single-step procedure was developed for extraction of total lipids from green microalgae. In the single-step procedure, 8 ml of a 2∶1 chloroform-methanol (v/v) mixture was added to fresh or frozen microalgal paste or pulverized dry algal biomass contained in a glass centrifuge tube.

The biomass was manually suspended by vigorously shaking the tube for a few seconds and 2 ml of a 0.73% NaCl water solution was added. Phase separation was facilitated by 2 min of centrifugation at 350 g and the lower phase was recovered for analysis. An uncharacterized microalgal polyculture and the green microalgae Scenedesmus dimorphus, Selenastrum minutum, and Chlorella protothecoides were subjected to the different extraction methods and various techniques of biomass homogenization. The less labour intensive single-step procedure presented here allowed simultaneous recovery of total lipid extracts from multiple samples of Centrifuge tube green microalgae with quantitative yields and fatty acid profiles comparable to those of the previous methods. While the single-step procedure is highly correlated in lipid extractability (r² = 0.985) to the previous method of Folch et al. (1957), it allowed at least five times higher sample throughput.

Santowhite, a commercial antioxidant used in the manufacture of polypropylene, contaminates 12-ml polyallomer tubes to the extent of 0.2-0.3 mg/tube.

  • It is distributed through the plastic and appears as a microscopic dust on the tubes’ surfaces. In the preparation of polysomes from rat liver by standard methods, approximately 15% of the antioxidant in previously water-washed tubes was removed by suspension of the polysome pellet with stirring in 1-2 ml of Tris buffer, pH 7.8.
  • The polyallomer impurity has been shown to be identical with Santowhite, which is 4,4′-butylidene-bis(6-tert-butyl-m-cresol), by UV, mass, and NMR spectra.
  • It is not uniformly removed from polyallomer tubes by common detergents but is removed by washing with acetone, to which the plastic is resistant.
  • Colloidal silica–aluminum modified–PVP density gradient centrifugation: centrifuge tube wall cell adherence, aggregation, separation properties and comparison to BSA and Ficoll.

A method is described for the inexpensive and easy preparation of colloidal silica–aluminum modified–polyvinylpyrrolidone (CS-AM-PVP) density gradient centrifugation medium.

Using density gradient centrifugation, several cell separation and biochemical characteristics were studied: centrifuge tube wall cell adherence, mouse spleen cell density distribution, rebanding properties, mitogen response and cell aggregation. Cell adherence to the centrifuge tube wall using density gradients of CS-AM-PVP was compared with density gradients of bovine serum albumin and Ficoll.

Few cells adhered to the centrifuge tube wall when CS-AM-PVP was used as a gradient medium; whereas, significant cell adherence to the centrifuge tube cell wall occurred when bovine serum albumin or Ficoll was used as a gradient medium. The CS-AM-PVP gradient medium did not inhibit the response to mitogens of mouse spleen cells which had been separated into density subpopulations in a discontinuous CS-AM-PVP density gradient, caused a minimum amount of cell aggregation, and was found to be non-toxic.

Islet transplantation is a promising method for restoring normoglycemia and alleviating the long term complications of diabetes.

  1. Widespread application of islet transplantation is hindered by the limited supply of human islets and requires a large increase in the availability of suitable insulin secreting tissue as well as robust quality assessment methodologies that can ensure safety and in vivo efficacy.
  2. We explore the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in two areas relevant to beta cell engineering and islet transplantation: (1) the effect of genetic alterations on glucose metabolism, and (2) quality assessment of islet preparations prior to transplantation.
  3. Results obtained utilizing a variety of NMR techniques demonstrate the following: (1) Transfection of Rat1 cells with the c-myc oncogene (which may be involved in cell proliferation and cell cycle regulation) and overexpression of Bcl-2 (which may protect cells from stresses such as hypoxia and exposure to cytokines) introduce a wide array of alterations in cellular biochemistry, including changes in anaerobic and oxidative glucose metabolism, as assessed by 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy.
  4. Overnight incubation of islets and beta cells in the bottom of centrifuge tubes filled with medium at room temperature, as is sometimes done in islet transportation, exposes them to severe oxygen limitations that may cause cell damage. Such exposure, leading to reversible or irreversible damage, can be observed with NMR-detectable markers using conventional 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy of extracts.
  5. In addition, markers of irreversible damage (as well as markers of hypoxia) can be detected and quantified without cell extraction using high-resolution magic angle spinning 1H NMR spectroscopy. Finally, acute ischemia in a bed of perfused beta cells leads to completely reversible changes that can be followed in real time with 31P NMR spectroscopy

Plasma membranes were isolated from rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC-12) grown in spinner culture.

The rapid and simple isolation procedure consisted of a differential and isopycnic centrifugation (in a linear sucrose gradient) with the aid of a high capacity fixed angle rotor equipped with siliconized centrifuge tubes. The isolated membranes were closed and osmotically active vesicles (about 0.3 micron in diameter) with a mean intravesicular water space of 1.84 microliters/mg protein. In the presence of an inward gradient of sodium chloride and an outward gradient of potassium, [3H]noradrenaline (50 nM) was taken up and accumulated 550-fold (at 31 degrees C).

15 ml & 50 ml Centrifuge Tubes

TCF001-00-15mICentrifugeTubes450mlCentrifugeTubes4 Vazyme 15 mI Centrifuge Tubes*450 ml Centrifuge Tubes*4 1.09 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 50 ml ,PP,Sterile,Plug-Seal Cap, in Bag

LC8005-500 GenDepot 500/CS 120 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 15 ml ,PP,Sterile,Plug-Seal Cap, in Bag

LC8003-500 GenDepot 500/CS 102 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 50 ml , Black ,PP,Sterile

LC8008-025 GenDepot 25/Bag 35 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 50 ml , Black ,PP,Sterile

LC8008-500 GenDepot 500/CS 360 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 50 ml , Amber ,PP,Sterile

LC8050-500 GenDepot 500/CS 330 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 15 ml , Black ,PP,Sterile

LC8007-050 GenDepot 50/Bag 48 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 15 ml , Black ,PP,Sterile

LC8007-500 GenDepot 500/CS 260 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 15 ml , Amber ,PP,Sterile

LC8015-500 GenDepot 500/CS 330 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 50 ml ,PP,Sterile,Plug-Seal Cap,Self Standing, in Bag

LC8006-500 GenDepot 500/CS 215 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Blue 10 bags of 1000

MU11060 Westburg each 527.56 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Pink 10 bags of 1000

MU11120 Westburg each 527.56 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Blue 10 bags of 500

MU11430 Westburg each 277.95 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Pink 10 bags of 500

MU11490 Westburg each 277.95 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Blue 10 bags of 400

MU11920 Westburg each 295.39 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Pink 10 bags of 400

MU11980 Westburg each 295.39 EUR

Rack S for centrifuge tubes 18 x 15 ml / 10 x 50 ml (45)

TP99017 Westburg each Ask for price

Rack L for centrifuge tubes 30 x 15 ml / 20 x 50 ml (30)

TP99019 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Green 10 bags of 1000

MU11080 Westburg each 527.56 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Green 10 bags of 500

MU11450 Westburg each 277.95 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Green 10 bags of 400

MU11940 Westburg each 295.39 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Purple 10 bags of 1000

MU11170 Westburg each 519.93 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Yellow 10 bags of 1000

MU11190 Westburg each 527.56 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Yellow 10 bags of 500

MU11560 Westburg each 275.23 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Purple 10 bags of 400

MU12020 Westburg each 295.39 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Yellow 10 bags of 400

MU12040 Westburg each 295.39 EUR

50 mI Centrifuge Tubes

TCF00150-500Case Vazyme 500 / Case 113.36 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Natural 10 bags of 1000

MU11150 Westburg each 527.56 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Rainbow 10 bags of 1000

MU11210 Westburg each 555.9 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Natural 10 bags of 500

MU11510 Westburg each 273.59 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Rainbow 10 bags of 500

MU11590 Westburg each 286.67 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Natural 10 bags of 400

MU12000 Westburg each 291.03 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Rainbow 10 bags of 400

MU12060 Westburg each 311.74 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Natural 20 bags of 1000

MU17030 Westburg each 519.93 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Natural 10 bags of 1000

MU17040 Westburg each 373.87 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Natural 10 bags of 1000

MU17050 Westburg each 408.75 EUR

15 mI Centrifuge Tubes

TCF00115-500Case Vazyme 500 / Case 85.02 EUR

Centrifuge tubes, glas, with round bottom, 50 ml

CD04-R50G Phoenix instrument each 8 EUR

15 mL Centrifuge Tube, Tubes and Caps Packed Separately, Non-Sterile, 50/pk, 500

601151 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 37.29 EUR

Centrifuge tubes, plastic, with round bottom, 50 ml

CD04-R50P Phoenix instrument each 6 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Green Cap, 25/Bag

CT788-G Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 67.31 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Yellow Cap, 25/Bag

CT788-Y Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 67.31 EUR

Block, 15 x1.5ml centrifuge tubes

BSH100-15 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 112.58 EUR

Block, 15 x1.5ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1405-B15 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 194.76 EUR

Small centrifuge, 6 x 50 ml, 4000 rpm, incl. rotor for 6 x 50 ml or 6 x 15 ml Tubes

CD-0412-50 Phoenix instrument each 995 EUR

Rack filled with 20 centrifuge tubes 50 ml, conical (10)

TP91550 Westburg each Ask for price

Stand For Centrifuge Tubes For 1.5 ml,

PW102-2NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 8.01 EUR

Rack filled with 30 centrifuge tubes 15 ml, conical (10)

TP91515 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml, low binding 10x500

MU11300 Westburg each 434.37 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 50 ml ,PP,Sterile,Plug-Seal Cap, in Rack

LC8004-500 GenDepot 500/CS 140 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Natural 12 x 800

MU1220 Westburg each 566.8 EUR

Corning LSE Single Block 5 x 50 mL Centrifuge Tubes - EACH

480129 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 145.8 EUR

Dolphin Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Natural 5x1000

MU16140 Westburg each 285.04 EUR

29 mm Test Tube Foam Rack (for 50 mL centrifuge tubes) - EACH

MIX1118 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 54 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, 15 ml ,PP,Sterile,Plug-Seal Cap, in Rack

LC8002-500 GenDepot 500/CS 260 EUR

16 mm Test Tube Foam Rack (for 15 mL centrifuge tubes) - EACH

MIX1098 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 54 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 0.65 ml Natural Low binding 2x500

MU11330 Westburg each 93.74 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Natural, low binding 4x500

MU12160 Westburg each 207.65 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 2.0 ml Natural Low binding 2x500

MU12180 Westburg each 104.64 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Natural, Low binding 5x500

MU39640T Westburg each 218 EUR

15 mL Centrifuge Tube Rack, 1/pk, 50/cs

610001 NEST Biotechnology 50 pcs/cs 58.96 EUR

Centrifuge tube 50 ml, conical / triple bagged (50)

TP391050 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge Tubes 1.7 ml Natural Lubricated 2 x 500

MU11720 Westburg each 93.74 EUR

4-Ways Microtube and Centrifuge Tubes Racks, Red

R023-R Bio Basic 1 UNIT 64.18 EUR

Greiner centrifuge tubes - PK300

T2193-300EA Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK300 232.07 EUR

4-Ways Microtube and Centrifuge Tubes Racks, Blue

R023-B Bio Basic 1 UNIT 64.18 EUR

Greiner centrifuge tubes - PK1000

T1943-1000EA Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK1000 411.75 EUR

4-Ways Microtube and Centrifuge Tubes Racks, Yellow

R023-Y Bio Basic 1 UNIT 64.18 EUR

Centrifuge tube 50 ml, round (180)

TP91056 Westburg each Ask for price

4-Ways Microtube and Centrifuge Tubes Racks, Natural

R023-N Bio Basic 1 UNIT 64.18 EUR

Block, 15 x 1.5ml or 2.0ml centrifuge tubes (conical)

BSH100-1520 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 112.58 EUR

Block, 15 x 1.5ml or 2.0ml centrifuge tubes (conical)

BCM1405-B1520 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 194.76 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable BLUE

CG264-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 12.63 EUR

Centrifuge tube 50 ml, conical (360)

TP91050 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge tube 50 ml, conical (160)

TP91054 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable Round

CG276-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 23.15 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable Round

CG277-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 12.79 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable Round

CG278-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 9.07 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable Round

CG279-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 3.24 EUR

Block for 5ml centrifuge tubes

H5000-5MT Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 494.19 EUR

15 mL Centrifuge Tube, Bulk, Sterile, 50/pk, 500/cs

601052 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 39.82 EUR

Centrifuge tube 15 ml, conical (360)

TP91014 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge tube 15 ml, conical (800)

TP91015 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge tube 15 ml, conical (800)

TP91115 Westburg each Ask for price

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable Conical

CG274-100X1NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 32.38 EUR

15mL Sterile Centrifuge Tubes PP

ARG1818 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 247.5 EUR

50mL Sterile Centrifuge Tubes PP

ARG1824 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 339.57 EUR

Block, 20x10mm test tubes or 20x2.0ml centrifuge tubes

BSW10 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 20x10mm test tubes or 20x2.0ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1412-BSW10 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

Eppendorf Adapter for 0.5 mL micro- centrifuge tubes + 0.6 ml Microtainer set of 6 - PK6

E5425716001 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK6 17.48 EUR

Centrifuge tube 15 ml, conical / triple bagged (100)

TP391015 Westburg each Ask for price

CapLock 0.5mL Centrifuge Tubes - PK500

ARG1782 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 74.03 EUR

Oakridge Centrifuge Tubes 30ml - PK10

31390030 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK10 307.8 EUR

CapLock 1.5mL Centrifuge Tubes - PK1000

ARG1808 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK1000 132.19 EUR

50 mL Centrifuge Tube Rack, 1/pk, 50/cs

610101 NEST Biotechnology 50 pcs/cs 58.96 EUR

Block, 24 x 0.5ml centrifuge tubes

BSH100-05 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 112.58 EUR

Block, 24 x 0.5ml centrifuge tubes

BSW05 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 24 x 0.5ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1405-B05 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 194.76 EUR

Block, 24 x 0.5ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1412-BSW05 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes S 2420 30ml Qfit - PK10

QBC24C24R0 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK10 270 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable RED Cap,

CG272-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 31.16 EUR

Block, 4 x 15ml centrifuge tubes

BSH100-150 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 142.76 EUR

Block, 2 x 50ml centrifuge tubes

BSH100-500 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 142.76 EUR

Block, 12 x 15ml centrifuge tubes

BSW15 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 5 x 50ml centrifuge tubes

BSW50 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 4 x 15ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1405-B150 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 227.29 EUR

Block, 2 x 50ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1405-B500 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 227.29 EUR

Block, 12 x 15ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1412-BSW15 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

Block, 5 x 50ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1412-BSW50 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, with ring (leak proof)

PW1207-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 21.38 EUR

Centrifuge Tubes, Autoclavable With RED

CG271-1X100NO EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 40.01 EUR

Block for 5mL centrifuge tubes - EACH

MIX7218 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 714.15 EUR

Block, 24 x1.5ml centrifuge tubes (conical)

BSW1500 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 24 x1.5ml centrifuge tubes (conical)

BCM1412-BSW1500 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

15mL Sterile Centrifuge Tubes PP - PK500

ARG1814 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 304.04 EUR

50mL Sterile Centrifuge Tubes PP - PK500

ARG1820 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 411.26 EUR

Falcon Conical 50ml PP Centrifuge Tubes Bagged - PK500

352070 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 226.8 EUR

Falcon Conical 15ml PP Centrifuge Tubes Bagged - PK500

352096 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 193.05 EUR

15ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene

28-101 Genesee Scientific 20 Racks of 25 Tubes, 500/Unit 89.45 EUR

15ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene

28-103 Genesee Scientific 20 Bags of 25 Tubes, 500/Unit 74.7 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene

28-106 Genesee Scientific 20 Racks of 25 Tubes, 500/Unit 107.43 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene

28-108 Genesee Scientific 20 Bags of 25 Tubes, 500/Unit 85.75 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene

21-106 Genesee Scientific 20 Racks of 25 Tubes, 500/Unit 101.53 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene

21-108 Genesee Scientific 20 Bags of 25 Tubes, 500/Unit 81.01 EUR

50ml Plug-Seal Centrifuge Tubes with Rack, 25 tubes/rack

10-0501 IHC World - 12.5 EUR

Kimas high strength centrifuge tubes - PK6

Z514861-6EA Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK6 116.1 EUR

5 mL Centrifuge Tubes, Clear, Round, Lock Cap, Sterile, 200/pk, 2000/cs

603111 NEST Biotechnology 2000 pcs/cs 109.56 EUR

Centrifuge 5804 + Rotor S-4-72 + adapters 15/50ml tubes - EACH

E5804000565 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 7171.2 EUR

Tubes Centrifuge 15ml Conical - PK500

CEN9202 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 259.2 EUR


T2318-500EA Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 334.89 EUR

15 mL Centrifuge Tube, Rack(PS Rack), Sterile, 50/pk, 500/cs

601051 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 43.01 EUR

Centrifuge 5804R + Rotor S-4-72 + adapters 15/50ml tubes - EACH

E5805000665 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 10750.05 EUR

Centrifuge 5810 + Rotor S-4-104 + adapters 15/50ml tubes - EACH

E5810000560 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 10126.35 EUR

250 mL PP Centrifuge Tubes with Plug Seal Cap, Sterile, 6/pk, 102/cs

622001 NEST Biotechnology 102 pcs/cs 129.8 EUR

500 mL PP Centrifuge Tubes with Plug Seal Cap, Sterile, 6/pk, 36/cs

623001 NEST Biotechnology 36 pcs/cs 61.05 EUR

Centrifuge 5810R + Rotor S-4-104 + adapters 15/50ml tubes - EACH

E5811000660 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 13965.75 EUR


480124 CORNING 1/pk 136.8 EUR

Centrifuge tube 50 ml, conical, with rim (320)

TP91051 Westburg each Ask for price

Block, 24 x 1.5ml or 2.0ml centrifuge tubes

BSW1520 Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 24 x 1.5ml or 2.0ml centrifuge tubes

BCM1412-BSW1520 Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

250mL centrifuge tube PP (59.8 X 160mm), with screw-cap, 14 bags of 5 tubes

C1250 MTC Bio 70 234 EUR

Block, 15 x 1.5ml Centrifuge Tubes for Dry Bath with Heated Lid

BSH100-15HL Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 112.58 EUR

Block, 15 x 1.5ml Centrifuge Tubes for Dry Bath with Heated Lid

BCM1405-B15HL Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 194.76 EUR

Falcon Conical 225ml PP Centrifuge Tubes - PK48

352075 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK48 149.85 EUR

5 mL Centrifuge Tubes, Clear, Round, Lock Cap, Non-Sterile, 200/pk, 2000/cs

603011 NEST Biotechnology 2000 pcs/cs 99.99 EUR

15mL and 50ml Universal Rack for Conical Bottom Centrifuge Tubes - PK20

4366 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK20 58.05 EUR

Falcon Conical 15ml Ps Centrifuge Tubes - PK500

352099 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 221.4 EUR

5-Well Centrifuge Tube Box (1.5ml To 2ml Tubes)

R005-G Bio Basic 1 UNIT 61.57 EUR

High Speed Centrifuge, Adapt for 1.5/2.0 mL Microcentrifuge Tubes, 500-1200 RPM

102101 NEST Biotechnology 1 pcs/cs 184.36 EUR

250 mL PP Centrifuge Tubes with Plug Seal Cap, Racked, Sterile, 6/pk, 24/cs

622002 NEST Biotechnology 24 pcs/cs 38.17 EUR

500 mL PP Centrifuge Tubes with Plug Seal Cap, Racked, Sterile, 6/pk, 24/cs

623002 NEST Biotechnology 24 pcs/cs 45.65 EUR

Block, 6 x 5ml centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter)

BSH100-5MT Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 142.76 EUR

Block, 12 x 5.0ml centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter)

BSW5MT Benchmark Scientific 1 PC 149.04 EUR

Block, 6 x 5ml centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter)

BCM1405-B5MT Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 227.29 EUR

Block, 12 x 5.0ml centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter)

BCM1412-BSW5MT Bio Basic 1 pcs, 1 UNIT 233.21 EUR

Block, 8x5ml centrifuge tubes, for MultiTherm Touch

H5100-5MT Benchmark Scientific 1 each 374.92 EUR

Block 15 x 1.5mL Centrifuge Tubes for Dry Bath with Heated Lid - EACH

BLO1254 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 238.95 EUR

Centrifuge Tube, 5ml, 200 per. pk. (4 bags of 50)

C1005-T5-Clear Benchmark Scientific 1 each 44.5 EUR

Centrifuge Tube, 5ml, 200 per. pk. (4 bags of 50)

C1005-T5_Clear Benchmark Scientific each 44.5 EUR

Centrifuge 5804 + Rotor S-4-72 + adapters 15/50ml tubes- IVD Only - EACH

E5804000560 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 8100 EUR

Centrifuge 5804R + Rotor S-4-72 + adapters 15/50ml tubes- IVD Only - EACH

E5805000661 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 11284.65 EUR

Centrifuge 5810 + Rotor S-4-104 + adapters 15/50ml tubes- IVD Only - EACH

E5810000564 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 10631.25 EUR

15ml Centrifuge Tube, Screw Cap, Natural, 100/Bag

BT888-N Bio Basic 1PK, 100UNIT 74.29 EUR

Centrifuge 5810R + Rotor S-4-104 + adapters 15/50ml tubes- IVD Only - EACH

E5811000665 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 13902.3 EUR

50 mL Centrifuge Tube, Bulk, Sterile, 25/pk, 500/cs

602052 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 63.91 EUR

50mL Rack for Conical Bottom Centrifuge Tubes - PK20

4365 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK20 58.05 EUR

15mL Rack for Conical Bottom Centrifuge Tubes - PK20

431355 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK20 45.9 EUR

Falcon Conical 175ml PP Centrifuge Tubes Racked - PK48

352076 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK48 141.75 EUR

Cool rack 9 wells for 15ml centrifuge tubes - EACH

HOM2740 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 1120.69 EUR

Cool rack 4 wells for 50ml centrifuge tubes - EACH

HOM2742 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 1120.69 EUR

Falcon Conical 15ml PP Centrifuge Tubes Racked - PK500

352097 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 245.7 EUR

Falcon Conical 50ml PP Centrifuge Tubes Racked - PK500

352098 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 260.55 EUR

Kimax Reuseable Glass Centrifuge tubes oil 203mm - PK12

TUB2716 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK12 977.4 EUR

15 mL Centrifuge Tube, Amber Color, Rack(PS Rack), Sterile, 50/pk, 500/cs

601201 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 67.54 EUR

50ml Skirted Centrifuge Tube, Green Cap, 25/Bag

TK943-G Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 67.31 EUR

Block 6 x 5mL centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter) - EACH

BLO1256 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 207.9 EUR

Block 12 x 5.0mL centrifuge tubes (17mm diameter) - EACH

BLO1276 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 218.7 EUR

50ml Skirted Centrifuge Tube, Yellow Cap, 25/Bag

TK943-Y Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 67.31 EUR

Falcon Conical 15ml Ps Multipack Centrifuge Tubes - PK500

352095 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 226.8 EUR

Centrifuge tube 13 ml, flat (800)

TP91019 Westburg each Ask for price

15ml Centrifuge Tube, Screw Cap, Red, Sterile, 100/Bag

BT888-SR Bio Basic 1PK, 100UNIT 82.27 EUR

15ml Centrifuge Tube, Screw Cap, Blue, Sterile, 100/Bag

BT888-SB Bio Basic 1PK, 100UNIT 87.42 EUR

CoolRack XT 5ml holds 12 x 5ml centrifuge tubes - EACH

432060 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 394.2 EUR

50 ml Centrifuge Tube with Flat Cap, Bulk, Sterile (20x25)

OLOCT-50B Westburg each 180.94 EUR

15mL Flip Top Centrifuge Tubes Sterile DNase Free - PK500

ARG1154 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 405 EUR

50mL Flip Top Centrifuge Tubes Sterile DNase Free - PK500

ARG1156 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 537.3 EUR

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Red 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2048 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK200 67.5 EUR

15ml Centrifuge Tube, Screw Cap, Yellow, Sterile, 100/Bag

BT888-SY Bio Basic 1PK, 100UNIT 82.27 EUR

Snap Cap Polyethylene For Centrifuge Tubes Size 2 - PK500

TUB2728 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 97.2 EUR

15 ml Centrifuge Tube with Flat Cap, Bulk, Sterile (20x25)

OLOCT-15B Westburg each 148.24 EUR

50 ml Centrifuge Tube with Flat Cap, Racked, Sterile (20x25)

OLOCT-50R Westburg each 196.2 EUR

15ml Centrifuge Tube, Screw Cap, Natural, Sterile, 100/Bag

BT888-SN Bio Basic 1PK, 100UNIT 82.94 EUR

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Blue 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2046 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK200 67.5 EUR

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Clear 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2045 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK200 67.5 EUR

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Green 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2047 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK200 67.5 EUR

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Black 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2051 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK200 67.37 EUR

15 ml Centrifuge Tube with Flat Cap, Racked, Sterile (20x25)

OLOCT-15R Westburg each 174.4 EUR

50ml High Speed Centrifuge Tube, Natural cap, 25/Bag

CT790-N Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 72.64 EUR

Benchmark Centrifuge Tube Yellow 5mL (4 bags of 50) - PK200

CEN2049 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK200 67.5 EUR

50 mL Centrifuge Tube, Rack (PS Rack), Sterile, 25/pk, 500/cs

602051 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 74.25 EUR

50ml Skirted Centrifuge Tube, Green Cap, Sterile, 25/Bag

TK943-GS Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 69.72 EUR

Centrifuge tube 16 ml, round, long (800)

TP91017 Westburg each Ask for price

50ml Skirted Centrifuge Tube, Yellow Cap, Sterile, 25/Bag

TK943-YS Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 69.72 EUR

Centrifuge tube 13 ml, round, short (800)

TP91016 Westburg each Ask for price

Corning 15mL PP Centrifuge Tubes Rack Packed with CentriStar Cap Sterile 50/Rack 500/Case - PK500

430790 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 248.4 EUR

15ml centrifuge tubes, rack pack, sterile, flat top caps, graduation

SGB011-R SEEN GROUP LIMITED 50pcs/rack, 500pcs/carton 40 EUR

50ml centrifuge tubes, rack pack, sterile, flat top caps, graduation

SGB012-R SEEN GROUP LIMITED 25pcs/rack, 500pcs/carton 50 EUR

Kimax Centrifuge tubes graduated beaded top white scale 10ml - PK12

TUB2708 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK12 469.8 EUR

DB 2.1 Single block for 12 x 15ml conical centrifuge tubes - EACH

BLO6032 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 183.6 EUR

50 mL Centrifuge Tube, Self-Standing, Bulk, Sterile, 25/pk, 500/cs

602072 NEST Biotechnology 500 pcs/cs 73.26 EUR

Kimax Reuseable Glass Centrifuge tubes plain high strength 15ml - PK6

TUB2718 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK6 137.7 EUR

50ml High Speed Centrifuge Tube, Natural cap, Sterile, 25/Bag

CT790-SN Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 73.57 EUR


MCT-500-X CORNING 250/pk 228 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Green Cap, Sterile, 25unit (cardboard rack)

CT788-GS Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 73.62 EUR

50ml Conical Centrifuge Tubes, Yellow Cap, Sterile, 25unit (cardboard rack)

CT788-YS Bio Basic 1PK, 25UNIT 73.62 EUR

Holder for up to eight 15ml centrifuge tubes, for Bench-Top Shaker

099ASR815 Glascol each 648 EUR

Holder for up to eight 50ml centrifuge tubes, for Bench-Top Shaker

099ASR850 Glascol each 648 EUR

Corning 15mL PP Centrifuge Tubes Rack Packed with Plug Seal Cap Sterile 50/Rack 500/Case - PK500

430052 Scientific Laboratory Supplies PK500 248.4 EUR

DB 3.1 Single block centrifuge tube combination 4 x 1.5; 3 x 15 ml and 2 x 50ml - EACH

BLO6036 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 183.6 EUR


MCT-500-C CORNING 250/pk 187.2 EUR

Centrifuge Tube, Conical, 500mL, PP, sterile, with screw-cap, 8 per bag, 5 bags per case, 40/cs

C1500 MTC Bio 40 239 EUR

The uptake and accumulation of [3H]noradrenaline was temperature-sensitive and inhibited by the tricyclic antidepressant desipramine. Membrane vesicles isolated from PC-12 cells represent a useful model for the investigation of the molecular mechanism of the neuronal noradrenaline transport system.

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